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Acario regularly attends or speaks at events relevant to our investments. We hope to connect with you at a future event.
Cleantech Forum North America 2025
January 27-29, 2025 | In-person Event | San Diego, California | Join us on this three-days of high-quality event to be connected with innovators and investors, and learn more about the latest trends and innovation driving the ecosystem forward. Look for our...
Acario / Tokyo gas in the News
Investment in and collaboration with H2U Technologies, a company with highly efficient catalyst discovery technology
Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. through its wholly owned subsidiary Acario Investment One, LLC, has become the first Japanese energy company to invest in H2U Technologies, Inc. (CEO: Jourdan Urbach), a US startup company that has unique, highly efficient catalyst discovery...
Tokyo Gas Investment in the Octopus Energy Offshore Wind Fund
Nov 17, 2023 - Our parent company, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., announced its commitment to a landmark $3.8 billion USD offshore wind fund in partnership with Octopus Energy. The fund is unique as it is Octopus’ first dedicated fund for the development, construction and...
TES and Tokyo Gas Forge New Partnership to accelerate the decarbonization of hard to abate sectors through e-NG
Nov 7, 2023 - Tree Energy Solutions (TES), a global green energy company leading the way in the production of e-NG (electric natural gas derived from green hydrogen, widely referred to as e-methane in Japan), andTokyo Gas Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Gas), a leading Japanese...
Tokyo Gas Starting Japan’s First Onsite CO2 Resource Recycling Service
Oct 25, 2023 - Tokyo Gas is launching Japan's first onsite CO2 Resource Service - carbon recycling process utilizing CO2 from gas equipment emissions to produce and use carbonates! With CleanO2 Carbon Capture Technologies' carbon dioxide capture device 'CarbinXTM',...
NordicNinja Announcing New Fund II to Help Founders Tackle Global Challenges
Sep 11, 2023 - NordicNinja is announcing their second fund to continue investing in climate and deep technologies that create a more equitable, sustainable future. There are entire sectors NordicNinja believes still present huge opportunities for digitalization,...
Launch of Demonstration Experiment for CO2 Capture from Waste-to-Energy Plant Flue Gas for Use in Methanation
July 28, 2023 - The City of Yokohama and Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Gas), together with MitsubishiHeavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) and MHI Group company MHI Environmental & Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd.(MHIEC), are to launch a demonstration experiment of a CO2...
Started Selling Hydrogen Produced by AEM Water Electrolyzer at Hydrogen Refueling Station
July 13, 2023 - Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. (President: SASAYAMA Shinichi, hereinafter "Tokyo Gas") announced today that it will start production and sales of hydrogen using an AEM*1 water electrolyzer at the "Senju Hydrogen Refueling Station" (hereinafter "this station")...
Investment in and Collaboration with Global Thermostat, a Firm with Leading-Edge Direct Air Capture Technology
Jan 19, 2023 - Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. (President: UCHIDA Takashi; “Tokyo Gas”), acting through its wholly owned subsidiary Acario Investment One, LLC (CEO: OKUI Toshiharu), becomes the first Japanese energy company to invest in and conclude an agreement for...
Is 100% renewable energy even possible? CEO of Heila Technologies answers in Microgrid 2022
Jun 1, 2022 - Franciso Morocz of Heila Technologies answers the question of whether 100% renewable energy even possible. He presents the case of Stone Edge Farm in Sonoma, California, which has operated on 100% renewables for over five years, effectively off-grid...
Launch CCU Verification Test Jointly with Yokohama City and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group
Feb 24, 2022 - Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., Yokohama City and the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group1 (the MHI Group) have agreed to jointly launch the verification test from January 2023 toward establishment of the technology that separates and captures carbon dioxide...