June 10, 2024 | In-person Event | San Mateo, CA

Join us for an informative session where we will explore how prominent Japanese companies are collaborating with startups to foster innovation in the cleantech sector. This event aims to provide valuable insights into the successful partnerships and initiatives that have emerged from these collaborations. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn more about the intersection of big corporations and startups in driving sustainability and environmental advancements within Japan’s business landscape.


1:55pm Opening Remarks

2:00pm Keynote: Energy Transition, Miho Kurosaki, Energy Impact Partners

2:20pm Case Study: Furukawa Electric, Investment to Tokamak Energy

2:40pm Case Study: INPEX, Collaboration with Carbon Oro

3:00pm Startup Introduction Pitch #1: Proof Energy

3:10pm Startup Introduction Pitch #2: Mobile Energy Storage (TBA)

3:20pm Startup Introduction Pitch #3: Redivivus -Battery Recycling-

3:30pm~ Networking

Reserve your ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cleantech-innovation-show-case-tickets-900543488817?aff=oddtdtcreator